Not sure what to post on Instagram?
Here is what we’re going to do:
I’m going to share tips to help you think about what to post on Instagram for your own account.
And I will also share Instagram post ideas to help you get started.
I’ve split this blog post in 2 parts:
- What to post on Instagram for fun / personal account
- What to post on Instagram for your brand / business
Let’s start.
1. What to post on Instagram for fun
If you are on Instagram for fun / for your personal life, and you would love to grow your account, then you have 3 options:
1. Post about anything you want. Take a LOT of photos, all the time, of things you want to remember. If you’re happy and excited about what you’re sharing, people will feel it and will want to see more from you. So share what makes you happy, what you are passionate about, what you feel proud of. Like our friend @autumrainn says: “If I’m proud of it, I’m posting it”. People love to connect with people and see what other people are up to. If you take a lot of different photos, with different colors, and you want your feed to still look cohesive, all you have to do is use the same filter on all your photos. It will make your whole feed look nice. I recommend the “Blogger“, “Fun“, “Retro” and “Cream” filter packs for everyday photos (click here to see where to find the filters).
2. Choose 1 to 5 things you want your account to be about. For example: fashion, landscapes, food ( = 3 things). This might sound restrictive, but it’s actually very useful because it helps you know what photos to take. And it will make it super easy to plan your feed. You’ll never, ever run out of posts.
3. Get creative! Have fun! If you have no idea what photos to take: Go on Instagram, find an account you really like, and find photos you would love to take too. Then try to recreate these photos. This way you will learn how to take good photos, and it will also inspire you to create your own, unique photos later on. We all have to start somewhere 🙂
This is what Instagrammers and bloggers do:
- Focus on what makes you YOU, and go for it. Create!!!
- What is something you love to do or talk about? Something that is unique about you? Are you goofy? Do you love travel? Health? Fitness? Creativity? The ocean? Nature? Sunsets? Family? Food? Your dog?
- Don’t know what to post? Don’t think about what to post. Just document parts of your life, take a bunch of photos, videos you want to share with friends, family, nice people you will meet on Instagram.
- Think of your Instagram as your personal journal.
@autumrainn: She posts fun poses, she uses different props (like flowers) to take fun photos and is known for her amazing dance moves.

@heleneinbetween: She shares photos of her travels, landscapes she loves, food she eats and her adorable 2 pups. Her Instagram account is like her personal journal of things she wants to remember and share.

PS: They both use Preview app to plan their Instagram feed.
2. What to post on Instagram for your brand / business
If you are on Instagram for your brand / business, think about this:
- Think about your dream customer or client
- What can you post to: help, inform, motivate, inspire, entertain, connect with them?
- How should your Instagram feed look like to appeal to them?
Make a list of all your ideas.
Of course, you can post only about your products (for example, clothing stores do this: they only post about their clothes).
But don’t be afraid to think outside the box (Instagram is a place to have fun!).
Here are 12 Instagram post ideas:
- “About you” / personal posts
- Quotes
- Tutorials, how-to, educational posts
- Customers’ experiences / reviews
- Photos that reflect your brand
- Ask a question
- Fun photos
- Post about your product or service, provide an offer, or direct people to your website
- Give ideas of how to use / style your product(s)
- Before / Afters
- Behind the Scenes
- Work in progress
Let’s have a look at 3 examples.
They are an activewear brand for women. What to post on Instagram?
- Woman = pink vibes.
- Photos = clothes on actual people, outdoors, living life
- Health = fitness + food
- Quotes = Fun quotes related to a healthy and fit lifestyle. These posts are awesome because they bring the community together to have some fun, chill and relax together.

They are all about natural, organic skincare, self-love and bringing back peace into the body and mind. They want to create a feed that reflects all of this: natural, skincare and peace, and trust (skin is so personal and delicate, what can they post so you can trust them to touch and help your skin glow?). Here is what they post on Instagram:
- Natural: photos of nature, plants, natural, earthy colors
- Skin care: skin photos, skin products, skin care tips and expertise, skin-friendly foods, tools they use during their pampering sessions.
- Peace: simple, minimalist photos, peaceful quotes
- Trust: customer reviews, photos of their clients and photos of themselves (the facialists)

She sells huge knitted blankets. What to post on Instagram to sell huge knitted blankets? Lauren got super creative. Instead of sharing photos of her knitted blankets and jumpers only, she takes photos of them… with a twist. She takes fun photos of her with her dog, or of her with a crazy knits landscapes (see below). Not only are her products amazing, but her creativity and personality shines through her posts. So you’re buying an amazing product, and you’re also supporting a super passionate small business owner.

These are just 3 examples to show you how you can style your Instagram feed according to your brand, your personality and your dream customers.
Don’t get stressed out. Relax. Start simple. Simple is always the best. These are just some ideas to help you start thinking about posts for your own account.
Instagram is all about having fun and creating a feed that you love and that your clients and customers will want to scroll through, to ultimately click on the link in your bio to book, buy or contact you.
That’s it!
Leave a big thumb up in the comments if you found this blog post useful.
And if you feel a little stuck, but you’re feeling very motivated and you’re not sure what to post for your account, tell me in the comments: what is your account about? We can brainstorm post ideas for your account together.
My Instagram is a personal one, so just about me (@anoukel) But in the back of my head there is this idea of starting a small business for myself. This will mainly be about coaching/mental training online. As the idea is not really clear yet I also want to use my personal account to build a network, that I later can use to spread my businessaccount.
Hope you have some ideas!
Hello Anouk! As I read your comment the first thing that popped in my mind was “positive quotes” and sharing your experiences and tips. And after seeing your feed, you’re already doing this. So definitely keep going. 3 tips:
1. Who is in your dream community? Are they women only? Men? Both? That can help you choose hashtags to reach your people. For example, if you want to focus on building a community of moms supporting each other, or women small business owners, then you would use hashtags that they use, like “mom related” hashtags or “business women” related hashtags.
2. Use more hashtags. Check out these hashtags in Hashtag Finder of your Preview app: “positivity”, “quotes”, “manifesting”, “spirituality”, “wellness”, “business coach”. And if you’re looking for more hashtag categories but can’t find them, just let me know and I’ll add them to our to-do list.
3. You said you want to build a network. One of the biggest recommendations I can give you: spend your time finding people you really connect with on Instagram (start with 5 people you really want to connect with). You can find them through a hashtag. Support them by liking, commenting on their posts, sharing their posts in your Insta Story or mentioning them in your posts. This is how it starts. Having just a few people you can count on and who you really, genuinely like to support, who have the same drive as you, and who would like to support you too. These people will be the pillars of your community. And then you can grow from there with even more people.
I hope that helps!
Hello! We were one of the first to join in your offer. It looks like our post was missed or skipped for a purpose? Can you check out @mykappstudio above please? Kapp Studio …. Was really looking forward to your feedback and ideas!!!! TIA!!! Patti
my instagram is a mom blog/family/lifestyle blog. i’m running out of ideas as I feel tired of just posting pictures of me & my little one. i’d love some ideas if anyone has any.?? @_moniquemcgaw
Ok. First: your feed looks so nice! I love it!! Don’t be too hard on yourself 🙂
Second: you say you feel tired of posting pictures of you and your little one.
Here’s the question: what do you want to post about? If no one was watching your feed right now, and you were absolutely free: what would you post? What makes you super happy and excited? What would you love to talk about?
It can be something super simple. Or it can be something super fun. It doesn’t matter. What matters is that you feel good about what you post. As corny as it sounds, it’s so true. It’s your account.
Like I said in the blog post:
1. Document your life: just take a bunch of photos of things that you want to remember.
2. Think of your Instagram as your personal journal
3. If you want to take different photos: check out popular mamas accounts (like @krystalhipwell , @frkeinevoll, or @saraaemiliee). Sara and Amalie are friends and they take fun photos with letterboard quotes. They can give you some new photo ideas 🙂
Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Continue to have fun with your account.
My IG is for my business, I am trying really hard but to be honest I am not of the IG age group. I’ve done a couple of the free courses. Im getting impressions over 100 now but still no sales from all the posts (3 per day). Any help would be gratefully received. C_donaldson1
Hi Christine. My best advice is to post less (3 pr. week is better), and use more time on commenting,liking and talking to people on instagram who is your ideal costumers 🙂
You are welcome to find inspiration from my instagram here @Elitepole business @MarieKolstrup personal
My IG is all about programming, and I find it very hard to post something. As I don’t have a cool setup at home. Please suggest what to post. It doesn’t feel good to keep posting just code snippets.
Any programmer here?
– Are you posting for fun? or are you hoping to find clients from Instagram (business)? This will help decide what to post on Instagram.
For fun = check out the ideas below.
For business = share posts that would help, educate or entertain your ideal client (use the ideas in the grey box from the blog post )
– Latest tech news in your field, or UI ideas, inspiration
– Cool how-to’s
– Depending on your personality (if you like memes :), you can share some fun programmer related memes and quotes (we watch them all the time on twitter)
– You do a carousel post. First slide: Post about the outcome (example: if you make website, the final web page). Second slide: code snippets
– Repost: you could share once a week the work of someone else (awesome for meeting new people and building a community). For example: “Feature Friday”, every Friday.
– Don’t be afraid to share some lifestyle photos.
– Project updates: what you’ve been working on (think of it as a personal journal)
– Have you looked at what other popular programmers post on Instagram? That can give you some post ideas. And plus you can see what people like to see the most on their account. You can check out @thedevlife and scroll through some images and check out some of the people they feature.
– Or check the hashtag #developerlife and see what posts resonate with you.
I hope that gives you some ideas. Like I said in the blog post, if you’re stuck, sometimes the best thing is to choose 1 to 5 things you want to share. For example, it could be:
1. Fun programmers’ quotes/memes
2. Your projects (code snippets, before and afters, outcome)
3. Repost people’s photos you like (Friday favorite)
My IG is my art. I would like to grow my account to make sales on my Redbubble page. I think anyone who likes coastal decor or who has a beach house would like my art. I think my feed looks a bit messy. @batikandesigns
Hi Rena.
I just searched for your instagram account and started following you from my own instagram art account. You artwork is bright and fun!
thanks Angie! any post suggestions would be appreciated
You answered your own problem!! You said: “I think anyone who likes coastal decor or who has a beach house would like my art”. Fantastic!! Here are some tips:
1. Photo ideas for your art:
– You can share photos of your art in a room (so people can picture their own room with the art), or
– You can share photos of your art with a beach photo behind (I love the one you have of the hibiscus art, with the beach behind), or
– Look at this blog post we shared a bunch of feed ideas for artists. You can see different photo ideas: https://thepreviewapp.com/instagram-feed-ideas-artists/
2. You can share photos of coastal decor, beach house or landscapes of the beach = because like you just said yourself: “anyone who likes coastal decor or who has a beach house would like my art”. So attract their eyes to click on your post and see your account by sharing beach related photo.
3. Use beach related hashtags + art hashtags. In Preview app, there is a Hashtag Finder: https://thepreviewapp.com/instagram-hashtag-finder-preview-app/
4. Like and comment on people who share beach / coastal home decor photos. These are potential customers 🙂
These are great ideas! Thank you!
We use IG for business. We are a personalization boutique for trendy gifts, decor and accessories of metal, wood, acrylic, glass, and other mediums. When we get photos from stylist clients, we can post those but looking for other ideas so we can post more frequently and have more variety. https://www.instagram.com/kappstudio
Hello! We use IG for business. We own a DJ company that does all events but specializes in weddings. We receive photos from photographers all with different styles. I am extremely motivated to get our IG full of captivating and helpful content but am having a very difficult time thinking of content. Not everybody wants to see packed dance floors all the time. I’ve come across your blog and I want to say thank you for all the help you have already given us. You’ve given me confidence and I’ve already deleted our old feed with random posts and will begin new. Our IG is @trifecta_dj. I can’t wait to hear from you!
Love it! I manage social media for the interior design company I work for. I would love some insight – https://www.instagram.com/visionbyvisbeen/?hl=en
I think you’re doing awesome! I can see photos of the finish products / designs which shows that you know what you’re doing as a company and I can trust you. Your photos are clean and professional (and make me dream about a home :).
You could potentially write more in the caption: share the story behind the photo, share your process, where you’re at with the project (in more details). For example, in one photo you talk about building and dreaming about the new kitchen. What is that dream? What is the big vision of the new kitchen? The colors? The textures? The size? Tips for people who want to create a new kitchen? What does your process look like? Can you describe it so we can all try to visualise it with you, so we feel like we are part of your process too? Adding these kinds of details in your caption will set you apart as an expert – I’ll trust you even more with my house.
Only one tip (if it applies): Do you serve clients locally? If so, I would emphasize your location in your bio + use location tags on your post + location HASHTAGS (so that people in your area can potentially find you + to make bestie with the algorithm so it can potentially show your posts in front of their eyes).
Account inspiration / content ideas: check out @threebirdsrenovations .
I just wanted to say thinak you so much for your tips and advice. It’s so lovely to be able to receive genuine advice without having to pay give up something first…..cheers
Heyyy, Thanks for the great tips! For two years I have been trying to make my travel and lifestyle account as interesting as possible. Pay attention to the quality of my photos, have a continuous color world, research and describe my pictures and have not bought any followers and would like to build my 10k in an honest way and the Insta rules accordingly. but my followers have stagnated for months. Is this the new algorithm? Am I doing something wrong? Feel free to give me some feedback or just give me a hint if you would do it in my place. On the application of images I can speak from experience that from 50 EUR higher quality followers and likes are generated. Everything is forgotten and partly spam. Has anyone had the same experience with highlighting images? Thanks and Regards https://www.instagram.com/renrohcip_travel/
Mine is a cheeky bikini brand. Luxury elegant Brazilian bikinis, 10 Cheeky styles & 10 colors. It’s for the female who loves to be with nature, who loves her body and know what looks good on her. She wears it for herself and not anyone else. It’s not to be objectified. She’s appreciated quality items, is at the beach a lot, either on vacation frequently. Or lives near one. Loves simple moments of seeing the Beauty in nature as she sees the beauty in her self… Alt of swimwear put up the generic idea of love your self , motivational stuff. I like the idea of beginning boutique ig feed with agent provacatuers. My website: http://www.2ndskinbikinis.com
Thank you!
Thanks for the tips, Alexandra! All helpful ideas. I have more than one instagram account and have found the preview app very useful. One day, I’ll be able to spring for the paid app and use it for each of my accounts. In the meantime, thanks!
Super happy you’re enjoying the tips 🙂 have an awesome weekend Angie!
Hi, thank you for your articles and your great insights. My account is about fulfilled parenting and positive psychology. Any ideas? @1lifetolearn Thanks ??
Instagram is a business for me. I am new in the space and having difficulty with what content
and pictures is best to post…I want to connect and grow my account. Please take a look. Any suggestions will be appreciated https://www.instagram.com/restoreyourroyalty/
I love your posts. Photos of you inspire confidence. Your quotes give motivation and reflect your coaching. You’re definitely on the right path.
You can check out @iamnatalie, @yessupply and @lizwhite.co . They are successful coaches, and Preview friends 🙂 You can check out what they post, how they post, what the feed design they use.
One more thing: Posting is one side of the strategy for you. Your feed is the front of door of your business, the first thing you dream client will see when they check you out. The second part of the strategy: getting them to check out your account. How?
1. Find hashtags your dream clients use (example: if they are business moms: #mombiz #mamapreneur #bossmoms #mompreneur)
2. Like a lot of their posts (this way YOUR likes will fill their notification screen on Instagram)
3. Leave genuine comments on the accounts of people you feel you genuinely can / want to help. It’s about quality, not quantity.
Rinse and repeat.
I always tell people: find your own Instagram routine that fits your life and work. For example, you can spend 10 minutes at the beginning of everyday going through your target hashtags and liking and commenting on new people’s posts. 10 minutes is all you need. Or it can be once a week (example: every Monday), you spend 10 minutes doing this.
Tip 1: Quality over quantity. If you had 5 new customers tomorrow, what would it mean for you and your business? Imagine out of 20 people you connect with on Instagram, 5 might contact you. Instagram is so powerful for making connections with awesome people.
Tip 2: When you find people you really vibe with / would really love to work with, write down the usernames or even follow them. Then continuously support them on Instagram through liking and commenting. Just be there 🙂 Sometimes, you don’t need to “make that sales”. But you can totally grow your community of like-minded people. This is very powerful too. And trust me: They will notice you.
I hope this helps ?
Hi, thanks for the helpful post! I run a beauty (skincare and makeup) account on instagram, and I find my growth and engagement to be much slower to build than other accounts that post similar content of a similar quality. Recently I’ve noticed a plateau, or even a downturn in my engagement and I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. I’d really appreciate any feedback you can give to bring new life to my account https://www.instagram.com/beautyphd/
My ig account is mostly focused on my travels and in general beautiful places I visit and some pics of myself and food. I realize I need to have a more fixed schedule/categories but sometimes I just feel without ideas, lost in the everyday boring life. I put a lot of efforts in the photography and editing part but I realize I don’t get enough engagement compared to other accounts. I’ve been featured my pics in some tourism/food accounts, but still not enough.
Do you have any suggestions? My account is @fedeabbinante.
Thank you for the tips!
Hi!! My account is focused on travel and candid discussion on what makes each place unique. I’m open to new ideas on how to maximize travel content, but I also understand it’s an over-saturated market. IG is @alliedelurytravel–can’t wait to hear from you!
Hi! Thank you for this! Brilliantly helpful. I have an UNUSUAL situation, selling an invisible product that requires effort and motivation on behalf of the customer: Meditation. Outside of quotes and posts about the effects of meditation, I’m stumped. Being calm and serene doesn’t seem to generate interest or comments. ??. I don’t like to post endless selfies although I am trying to do more. Nor do I want to harvest my life for content ( Here is me at the Farmers Market buying an organic tomato while being Buddha-like). I would be so grateful for your insights. Have the best day! Kelly Morris, https://www.instagram.com/meditation_with_kellymorris/
I am posting for a UK charity that buys homes for the homeless and offers support and training for teams of staff or volunteers. We partner with Christian charities or churches who want to help the homeless but need the property/support/guidance to be able to run it well. We also provide investment opportunities for people to loan money that goes into buying the property and they get 5% interest back each year. I am struggling to know what is engaging for this past the ‘news’ we have. @green.pastures_ https://www.instagram.com/green.pastures_/
this is really good! we are @epicsportsmarketing and have lots of room for improvement- any ideas are greatly appreciated! z
Thank you for these valuable informations!
You’re welcome!
Hi! My account represents me as a female soul portraiture photographer. its getting better and more likes but I still cant get enough growth. @gala_semenova
Hi, loving all the tips and advice in your posts. My IG @thedailyhostess is for my business. I am a virtual party planner selling party plans right to your email so all you have to do is follow the plan, and set up your party. Pinterest parties for the Amazon Prime person. I have a hard time coming up with content as I’m not setting up a party every day or even enough to continuously have content. Thanks so much for your help and ideas!
I use my Instagram account to share my experiences of being an indie author and trying to promote one’s books. I’m not sure it ever leads to sales, but I do connect with some supportive people within the writing community
I share insights on the wine travel lifestyle… I have no problem with ideas. But growth has slowed and I am spending 3 hours a day on this medium. It’s very frustrating. So beyond photos and filters how do you recommend we grow our accounts? @KellyMitchell aka The Wine Siren
I would love you to advice me on my posting. I run an event production brand and my next event is coming February. I’m trying to build my followers and keep them active on my page till when I can start posting about the event itself which is January.
Its a dinner for Feb ruary 14th at a university
Hey Alex! Here’s a challenge for you: What if your business involves something far less trendy than the examples you have provided? We are building and pest inspectors (boring!) How the hell do we make our IG account appealing when what we do is not glamorous one bit?!! Any suggestions would be amazing, thank you! Bree.
Hello Bree!! Not boring 🙂 have fun with it!!
Your Instagram strategy might be different from other people.
I would imagine your customers would do something like this:
1. They would Google “pest inspector in [your area]”
2. They would check your website
3. They would look for reviews
4. And finally, they would stalk you on your social media (Facebook + Instagram) – it’s becoming a norm now to stalk on social media before we pick a business.
They saw a lot from you on your website. And now they are on your Instagram page.
Now it’s your chance to close the deal.
I’m not sure what the branding of your business is (super serious? fun/human?), and I don’t know who your customers are (families/individuals or businesses?), and I don’t know the size of your business (large institution, medium, or small?) so I’m going to give some general ideas.
Ideas that popped in my head (bear in mind, I don’t have any experience with pest inspection, so I’ll try my best):
1. Put yourself in the shoes of your customers right now.
2. What do all your customers want at the end of the day? Beautiful, clean, safe, pest free homes. Share this idea on Instagram = share photos of beautiful homes and buildings (especially if they look like homes and buildings you service).
3. Share your business day-to-day activities (to build trust). Example: “Today we inspected a three bedroom home in [your area or street]. The buyers are a new family of 3, and this will be their first purchase. They want to make sure their potential new homes are safe and sound for their new family. We are working on the report as we speak and will get back to them within 48 hours with a detailed pest inspection report. Do you need pest inspection for your next purchase? Contact us now”. Or on Mondays: “5 pest inspections scheduled for this week for our clients in [your area]. Thinking about checking your home next? Contact us now”
4. Behind the scenes: I’m not sure if you can take some photos of your inspectors while they inspect a house. But that would be awesome. This way people can see who you are and how you’re doing your job.
5. Share fun facts (to build trust): “Did you know?” posts. Example: “Did you know it takes [time] to inspect a 4-bedroom house?”
6. Share bite-size tips (to show expertise) Example:
– “3 things you should do before buying a house”
– “How to keep your timber pest free”
-“How to choose the right inspector”
– “What to do if termites invade your home”
– “3 things we learned about termite”
– “How to know if it is termite damage”
– Tip to avoid termite (you could do one tip a week)
(and in the caption finish with a call-to-action: “Contact us now”.
Need help coming up with ideas like this: use Google. Google: “pest inspection” and check out other people’s services and blog posts.
7. Share fun things: games, or fun quotes about bugs (if it fits your brand). Example: “I didn’t choose the bug life. The bug life chose me” (you can Google “funny bug quotes”)
8. Use your location hashtags + home + home decor hashtags
I hope that gives you some ideas!! 🙂
And if you need help organizing your ideas, check out this blog post. It’s the process I use to plan my feed: https://thepreviewapp.com/stay-consistent-instagram/
My Instagram is mainly for my acting career. I’m a fairly private’s person so I suppose I’m having trouble figuring out the kind of content and posts I should be creating. Another one of my passions is writing poetry which I don’t think translates well to Instagram. I’m also into analyzing films and philosophy as well but these also seem like passions that don’t serve Instagram too well.
Hiya! I am @karenpaytonart
I loved your post and took lots of notes.
This is a business account selling art.
I am looking for ideas on how to connect more with my tribe without having to show my face. I really don’t like selfies.
this is really great. I have a fashion, beauty and travel account, I use the same filter that I created. I post every day around lunch time. And I follow another account as inspiration, but the situation does not improve. I Haven’t ideas to improve. Can you tell me some tips?
Hi! And thanks for the ideas. I work with social media for a company that has a very “untypical” target group for Instagram. We are in the forestry business and manifactures harvesting heads (@logmaxofficial) and we have soon 3000 followers, not very big, but(!) we are a world-leading company in our segment and have customers all around the world. Over 90% of our followers are men and most of them are between 25-45.
A lot of this kind of ideas and exempels is about more “girly” stuff and sometimes it’s hard to transform it in to our business. If you have any ideas about what to post, how we can make our account grow and be even more good looking, I would be very thankful.
Thanks in advance 🙂 https://media0.giphy.com/media/J9gonJ3mO9wK4/giphy-downsized-medium.gif //Elin
Hello everyone!! Just wanted to let you know that I see your comments coming in. I will reply to you soon! 🙂 if you’re new here, you can post your message in the comments too. Talk soon!
Hello again! I’m trying to reply to as many as I can. Check out what I wrote in the comments. You can definitely use the strategies for your own brand or business.
Thank you for these ideas. I haven’t been as active with my instagram account since I started because I struggled to get a good healthy following, without people following me for a few days and then unfollowing. I’m a new author and trying to make an author brand for myself. After posting pictures of books, I feel like it’s starting to look repetitive and boring. I don’t have a lot of books out yet, so what do i post inbetween that time?
Hi! Thanks (as usual) for the great tips.
I have an account about our zero waste journey: https://www.instagram.com/vivere_senza_rifiuti/. I post two-three times per week on different topics (e.g., tips, parenthood, recipes, etc.).
I think my main issue is that I haven’t find my style yet…any suggestion would be appreciated!
Hello Marianna! Have you downloaded our Instagram Guide? We share aaall our tips in there and it might give you ideas on how to style / brand your Instagram page. Here’s the link to it: https://thepreviewapp.com/instagram-guide-business-preview-app/
You’ll see how we talk about colors, filters and fonts. I think you just started doing something like this on your account (with the quotes) which look REALLY good! Awesome job! I would definitely keep going with this.
Also, we’re about to launch a new app update and there will be zero waste hashtags. Keep an eye out for it!
Hi Alex! Thanks a lot for your reply 🙂
Yep, I downloaded the guide and I’m learning so much from it!
Thank you also for checking in my account, I’ll keep going with the quotes 😉 I look forward to see the zero waste hashtags, it’s so exciting that you are going to include them!
Thank you so much for your tips and tricks, all extremely helpful. I am a writer and am really trying to grow my followers and to gain attraction. Any advice would be appreciated.
Thank you
Hey Faith, I asked the same question on their Instagram post the other day, about strategies for writers trying to grow a following and here’s what Alexandra replied, hope it helps!
“Oooh good question!! So many possibilities with your account (PS: love your bio). Ideas that popped in my head straight away:
? Document your journey as an author (people can relate AND can find it very interesting + you might like for your own personal benefits to reflect on and share your journey): It could be a weekly post. Ideas: “Week 1”, “Week 2” as an author, or what goes on in your mind this week, or your progress (you could share behind the scenes photos or time lapse video of you working / thinking).
? Posts to build your community of sci-fi lovers ❤️ what kind of sci-fi posts would YOU love to see? What kind of posts as a sci-fi buff would YOU love to create? Ideas: your favorite quotes from sci-fi movies or books (you could ever get people to guess where the quote is from). Or post a photo from a sci-fi book or movie and say what you love about this scene.
? Use hashtags to link yourself to sci-fi and authors community
I hope this starts giving you some ideas ?”
This post goes direct to my bookmarks. I have 3 IG accounts:
Personal: @uri.snow
My artist profile: @tirandoaregular
My tattoo artist profile: @trippertattoo
And this gives me some awesome ideas, thanks!
Hi, my Instagram is for a theatre company and we want to grow and be recognized. What can I do to grow my account?
Hello! Definitely have a look at our Instagram Guide for Business, We share aaaall our tips in there, from feed design, to hashtags, to what to post and strategies: https://thepreviewapp.com/instagram-guide-business-preview-app/
Take your time to read and apply the tricks to your company.
Extra tips:
– As you will see at the beginning of the Guide, we explain that your goal is super important. So I would definitely encourage you to get clear on your goal: do you want to be “recognised”? Or do you want to attract more people to come to your theatre? These are 2 different goals and based on your goal, you will post different types of content.
– Search on Instagram “theatre” and see who the top accounts are and what they post. They will give you an idea of what works, what people like to see, and what kind of content they share.
– Based on this, start brainstorming what you’d like to share on your account.
– You can share photos of your theatre only – photos of performances, performers, performances coming up, reviews; or
– You can repost other people’s theatre content (you can use the “Repost” feature in Preview: https://thepreviewapp.com/repost-instagram-videos-photos-albums-using-preview-app/
Hi, my insta is for fun but I would really like to grow my following. I try to post a lot and make my feed look nice but it just isn’t working. Maybe it is the hashtags I’m using or my posts
aren’t nice enough, I don’t know. Can you help me?
Hey guys, I am really worried for my account, sadly ☹️
From last 3-4 days my reach has really dropped, I am not even getting 100 likes per post which I usually crossed before. My account is not shadowbanned, and I post 2 times a day. Don’t know what went wrong. Do give some tips how I can improve the situation. ?
My account is- @pia.majumdar
Hello! Good to see you here 🙂 To me it looks like you’re doing really well. It’s normal if some posts do better than others.
But if your reach is really changing, you can try to check if you’ve been doing something different than usual? Does the drop in reach correlate with when you changed the style of your feed / the style of your posts? Maybe people clicked more on different style of quotes / photos?
That’s the first thing I would do: check what changed and try another style of post.
Second: Don’t feel like you HAVE TO post 2 times a day to grow your account (you can totally post 2 time a day if you love it). What I’m trying to say is if you post once a day, you give more time for your followers to see your posts and interact with it (that’s what I find with my account – if I post once every 2 days, it gives people time to leave comments and share their thoughts, otherwise I feel like I’m going too fast and some people miss out on joining the conversation or reacting to a post – and they feel like there’s no point commenting or liking because it’s an “old” post). So you can definitely post only once a day and you can still grow.
– Check what posts perform really well on your account and post more of that. For example, it looks like photos with quotes on it + photo of a book with quotes hand written do really well.
– You could try this: post once a day (that will also give you more time to
– Take 5 minutes everyday to leave meaningful comments on other people accounts that you are tagging on your photos (example: @artistic.writers). You might already be doing this; and if so: that’s awesome! Keep going.
See if that makes a difference.
Thank you so much for tips, you guys are the best 🙂
I will implement these tips immediately.
Thank you for all your tips and recommendations, they’re always very helpful. I use Instagram for a business account ’cause I have a travel blog. I really don’t know which theme is better for my profile, I change idea every month. Plus, I basically post about travel, but most of the time I’m at home for my job, so I don’ t know what to post when is not about travel. Sorry for my English, I’m Italian ?
Most of all I want to say thank you for all the things you do for us ???
Your English is perfect! 🙂 Have you seen our interview with Helene from @heleneinbetween (super successful travel blogger but super chilled and down to earth). She shared all her tips. Here’s the link: https://thepreviewapp.com/behind-feed-heleneinbetween-instagram-tips-successful-travel-blogger/
She said she always takes a loooooot of photos so she always has a bunch to post (even when she is back home from travelling). And also check out her Instagram right now, she just came back from Europe and she is still sharing European photos 🙂 in fact, she is mixing European photos + USA photos. Her account can give you some ideas on what to post.
Another awesome person you can check out who loves travel too is @doreentravels.
PS: They both use Preview too. So if you want to message them and ask for advice, you can tell them Alex from Preview sent you (they will know 🙂
Thank you very much, your suggestions are always helpful ???
my instagram is a mixture between motivational quotes, spirituality+mental health posts & a few personal posts in between. I post 2-3 times a week as I also have a blog & therefore building up my business while being a full-time student, so one step at a time. I know it’s important to have some significant colors and a kinda style and not changing it, but I’m just trying things out atm. what do you think? my insta: @idontkerst TIA!:)
Your feed looks amazing 🙂
As always, you guys give such amazing tips here. Even when I already feel I know about the content that you wrote about, I still always give your posts a read. I aaaaalways manage to find useful tips! Thanks for everything!
You’re so welcome!! 🙂
Hi, thanks for such a useful article! I’m in love with Preview, I found that it really helped me plan in advance. I took as much advice from what you said as I can but I still feel like I’m struggling. It’s so tough. I own a catering business and I’ve just launched into a healthy meals delivery section. This is my instagram @pinkpeppercorncyprus. Any advice would be SO MUCH appreciated! Thank you!
Hello! Super happy you’re loving the app!! 🙂
Catering business = local business.
Your Instagram strategy can be different. Your goal = get new clients.
– Step 1: your feed is everything. It will be the first impression people make of you and your business. I just had a look. It looks awesome. Great job! Don’t hesitate to share more meals and food to showcase your service and products.
– Step 2: Make it clear in your Bio where you are located so that people in your area can be like: “AWESOME! She’s just next door!”
– Step 3: You said you just launched into “HEALTHY MEALS”. Make this clear in your Bio as well. This is your SPECIALITY and your point of different compared to other catering services. Example: “Yummy healthy meals delivered to your door”. (if you’re servicing people and not just business for example). Do you have specific target market? For example: families? Or businesses only? Or both?
Now your feed is ready to invite potential customers.
Here is your strategy:
– If you are targeting businesses: Make a list of businesses in your area you’d love to serve (BONUS: Follow them)
– Like +10 of their posts (this way you will flood THEIR notification feed) and they will see YOU, will be curious and will check out your account 😉
– Consistently like their posts and comment genuine comments
– This way YOU will always be on top of their mind
Extra tips:
– Use LOCATION tags for your photos (add your location on your posts) this way people who search your location can find you
– Use location HASHTAGS (example: #toronto) so that people who check out the location hashtags can find you
I hope that helps!!
Great stuff as always fellas!!! I feel like I’m always struggling with what to post…when I coach others on how to grow their accounts it’s almost a given that it works. Mine can’t get above 510 followers and I really think it’s b/c my content is so-so and kinda random. Would LOVE any advise from the community and from Andrew and Alex on ideas or things to focus on! Handle is @nick_o_glass. I love business and am a great writer. I have a blog and my strengths are the people parts of biz. I’m finishing out my notice at my career of 16 years and then starting my own consulting gig soon! Thank you so much!!
Thank you for the GREAT tips!! I was just wondering if you have found that Instagram lowers your organic reach once you pay to promote your post within the app?
Would so appreciate your thoughts!
Thank you!
Hello Brittany! Good question. We’re going to ask our community to see what people are saying overall. It’d be great to get different opinions. I personally haven’t tried promoted posts and ads on Instagram yet. But I’ve heard different opinions. Someone told us ads did not work for them at all and their organic posts (backed up with a good strategy) performed better. Someone else told me she had great results from ads. So I’m really not sure. Sorry I can’t be of any help on that one. We’ll definitely make a blog post about it.
Let us know how you go if you try it out. My email address is [email protected] .
hi, my IG is for blogging about makeup,skincare,haircare,fashion and food. i want to become an influencer in india but i dont know where to begin and its too overwhelming
Hello! Definitely have a look at the interview we did with Autum Rainn. She is a rising influencer, she started not too long ago and she shared all her tips with us. Here’s the link: https://thepreviewapp.com/autumrainn-instagram-tips/
And also have a look at the interview we did with Alisa: https://thepreviewapp.com/instagram-behind-the-feed-alisamos/
My biggest recommendations:
– First, relax.
– Second, just start posting. Don’t overthink it.
– Take a lot of photos in advance so you never run out of posts OR take your outfit of the day (example: @bresheppard)
– Think of your Instagram as your personal journal: chill, relax and post what you love
– Post what you are passionate about – always feel good and proud and you are on the right path
– Start posting even if you don’t feel like it’s “good enough yet”. Just start posting. You will get better and better with time. Progress is 1000% better than perfection.
– Post consistently so people get used to seeing your content 🙂
In terms of the “look” of your feed:
1. You can use the same filter on all your photos (it will brand your feed), or
2. You can use a Grid Layout. Here’s the blog post with a lot of ideas: https://thepreviewapp.com/7-types-instagram-grid-layouts-planner-tips/
More ideas for makeup accounts: https://thepreviewapp.com/best-instagram-feed-ideas-makeup-artists/
I have been using preview app for a while on my @naomithompsonart page I love how I can shuffle things around and get the best look when posting a grid. If you look you’ll see how uniform it looks, I absolutely love it!!
I don’t tend to use it for my @naomithompsonphotography page though because this is my business and I’m doing such a variety of weddings , children family shoots every month I struggle to get this page looking so aesthetically pleasing if you get me. Any tips for using it on a photographers page? Thanks
Hello! I just checked your business page. It looks beautiful! Don’t be hard on yourself. The key with photography accounts is to keep the editing style similar because your editing style is part of your brand – you are already doing this which is perfect
If you really want to try different things with your feed, you can do a grid layout. For example: you can do a “row by row” grid layout.
– One row = one event (like a wedding)
– The next row = baby photos only
– The next row = wedding photos only
– And you keep going and alternate between 2 different events
Or you can do a “Line in the Middle” grid layout, where the link in the middle is photos of babies only 🙂 this way the line guides people to continue to scroll. And the photos on the side can be wedding photos.
Here is the blog post with Grid Layout ideas:
I work with an ice cream company that is unique in its kind as it is an ice cream truck. We have many followers on facebook but started our instagram quite recently and do everything to increase followers. The account finally has a nice flow and looks good but we miss the little extra. We only post graphic images and about 2 posts a week. What are your best tips? 🙂
@@thepreviewapp:disqus Hello! We were one of the first to join in your offer. It looks like our post was missed or skipped for a purpose? Can you check out @mykappstudio above please? Kapp Studio …. Was really looking forward to your feedback and ideas!!!! TIA!!! Patti
Help! I use my IG for both business and personal and I switched my Instagram layout a while back ( @animaull ) and since doing so, I’ve noticed a HUGE drop in interaction. But I wasn’t feeling fulfilled being tied to a schedule of what to post on what days. I wanted more freedom to it. But now I’ve noticed that the interaction is gone and I’m posting even less about business stuff now because I keep finding posting life ? and now, both types of posts are getting next to no love
I have a problem that my followers don’t really engage, moreover, they don’t really grow. I am a 3K for almost a year now and it is not increasing. I am trying to post about my niche but somehow engagments, likes and commenta do not increase unless I promote the post. I need to grow as I am a certified personal shopper/stylist, celebrity stylist and image consultant and need to get into business and collaborate with brands and magazines and have no clue where to start and get it done. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks guys.
Great pointers to grow your account. But I still struggle with my feed. I only converted my Instagram profile to a business a year ago, joining the influencer market. I love talking about:
Travel destinations
Hotel reviews
Food and restaurants reviews
Skincare reviews and recommendations
Quotes about life, travel and mental well health.
I suffer from depression and anxiety and I don’t feel shy talking about it. My followers know that and I feel like that’s a subject I would really like to talk about more.
I like posting personal pictures/ selfies too as I’m a model as well.
I feel like my account is all over the place and I struggle to choose what I want to post and how to make my feed look better.
I like bright tones, but I want to experiment more and switch things up. I also have a website and I don’t know how to send my followers there.
Any advice will be helpful!
Instagram: @daminipassi
Hey Guys!!! I love these tips!! However I do feel like I’m stuck with my IG page. I want to get more clients/followers to engage with either question or just anything really. Any tips will help out. (I’m a hairstylist) @franklyhair
It’s really fun to post based on your own personal inspiration! I have two accounts my personal
@j_leilaa and my blog account
I don’t post regularly because I’m still trying to find my balance, but I have a lot content creation ideas!
Hi my Instagram was used just for selfies, my dog and my relationship but I wanted to branch out after coming across so many cool Instagram accounts with themes and a purpose. So, I’m gravitating towards pictures of my dog named Espresso (any cool ideas for that one?), landscapes, espresso(coffee) and the different changes within the seasons while also keeping a common theme. Being that it’s Fall my theme is of an orange layout but I’m wondering if I should try a cooler (gray/blue) layout as winter comes in. I’m open to all ideas especially for any other pictures or themes. Also I sometimes get overwhelmed with how to take pictures and how often to post (daily or weekly) so if anyone has tips on that, it would be greatly appreciated. thank you.
Hye, my name is Kalin. MY IG is for my business, tailoring service. Not like others business, they can post about their product. but for service i have no idea how to make a post. my instagram is @degayamy . Im really appreciate if you can help me. Thank you!
Thanks for the tips! Despite following many tips online, I still can’t seem to get more followers on my instagram and Facebook.
I’m a travel blogger and I don’t have a product to sell just yet but am hoping to increase my following. My instagram is @travelicious526, Facebook is travelicious526.
I post only pictures and stories of my very own travels hence the frequency of active postings is limited. I wrote a couple of travel blogs in WordPress and shared them on my Facebook and Instagram as well but the engagement doesn’t seem to be there. Really need some enlightenment.
Appreciate your help much! 🙂
I love your post, it expands my ideas. I have a IG where I sell hair products and sun tanning lotion products. I have just started to organize my feed better @solymarmiami please check it out and let me know what you think. PS. I would love tips for a better use of hashtags.
Thank you,
Hello, guys! Such a useful, super-interesting post 🙂 I wonder if you could please take a look at my IG and help me out with some ideas for posts. I have personal IG about travels, lifestyle and food (the rest two I mostly talk about in my stories)
Hi Alexandra, many thanks for the tips. I have a business profile for my husband, he is an artist @raulpellicier, but eventhough we post regularly the followers are not growing nor are we able to reach new customers. Would appreciate your opinion. Many thanks in advance. Cheers, Sandra
Hi…my IG is personal and I’ve not been very active with it. I need one for business also and I assume they need to be separate? I’m knew to this social media marketing stuff and I’m not of the typical IG age group either. As far as promoting my business, I have to stay generic rather than product specific because I’m working my biz through network marketing…so I guess I’ve got to do more curiosity posting and maybe general posts about health and wellness as that’s the industry I’m serving. A lot of good info here from the other comments :)…
Howdy! I’m using my IG, @athena1029, to create a personal brand. I definitely need some feedback about what to post. My mission is to help ladies align, grow and elevate through personal growth to find and utilize their purpose. I get more Likes on pictures with my family, but I get a lot more engagement on my posts about my story.
I use IG for my business @kate.ward.films I create short films for local businesses to use on websites, fundraising, and social media. I cover tiny home builders to yoga teachers to open adoption to … well, you get the idea. And, recently I’ve started taking a lot more photos. So, I’m all over the place. It’s really challenging to narrow my audience and speak directly to them because I really enjoy working with so many different types of businesses and entrepreneurs. Please help. Since all the shoots are so different, all the colors are different too. I tried using your filters, but some shoots look great with one filter and not great with another, so I couldn’t bring myself to edit the colors that I worked so hard to create for my clients. I’d love any suggestions. Thank you!!
Hey guys! I am a personal trainer and I have a fitness page. I want to help women be less afraid of lifting weights and find their own way to love exercise and a healthy lifestyle. Even with all the busy lives they live. I post workout vids, inspiration etc. but want to make my feed more consistent and aesthetic. Not the most artistic person I could use some help 🙂 thanks! Handle: rise_and_sweat
My name is Anita and my Instagram handle is @dee_rayapparel I find you post very helpful,but, I am still stuck on what to post on my IG page.
Thank you for this! Got some ideas flowing. But, still feeling blocked. My account is about career/job advice. I’m an experienced HR professional of over 15 years wanting to give advice/tips from an insider perspective. Any help would be appreciated!
I would love your help 🙂 Lately I’ve been feeling a little lost on my strategy and what to post. I used to get so many ore likes and watches and now I don’t I don’t know if it’s what I’m postor when I’m posting as I’m on a different time zone now and when I used to post is when I’m asleep now. If you can give me a little inspo or help I’d really appreciate it 🙂 my insta is @thesewingretreat and I’m an online organic sewing shop and blog
P.S. love your app super helpful
We have a service-based business providing logistical support for sports events. We plan routes, get permits, set up rest stops, connect with vendors, etc. Any tips on what we can post to connect with both event attendees and event managers or decision makers to grow our business?
Hi everybody! Hi Alex ! I love your previewapp! Now I know the secret of those pretty fieles.
I’m a psycologist from Argentina. I post motivational quotes. And do some storytellig also. I really take it seriously, but my IG is not growing as I like. Probably cause I don’t have a website or blog ( working on it). Probably cause I post in spanish. Would appreciate your help . ? thank you
Hi Alex! Love this forum.. but I am still overwhelmed with what to post and how to actually get people to see my posts and gain followers. My IG is a business account eco_livin_au and I sell eco friendly yoga mats made from hemp. Would LOVE your advice. Thank you x
I just started “curating” my Instagram. Previously I was just posting whatever I wanted with no real theme. Now I’m using the app and getting better at it! My insta: @heatherparis
Hello, my instagram is about architectural design, particularly of small and medium-sized houses.
I am an artist. So yes it’s for business and there is a product, however most of your suggestions don’t really fit.
Hello! I am a small Italian craftswoman and mother of a girl of almost 2 years. I specialize in creating Christmas gift labels and more generally gift labels for all occasions. I just activated my IG account (@mrsohohoh) but I grope in the dark, especially in taking photos and in choosing the themes to be published. Thank you for any suggestions and advice you will want to give me!
Hi Alex. Really great and helpful post. It is spot on to my question, how to grow my crowd.
I am an astrologer, i teach astrology, wrote books and produced Astrological Cards. And of course do private charts and weekly Forecast. I have Lots of followers on FB but Just started with IG and it’s slow.
Do you have any tips gor me?
I dont know who my ideal customer is… ?? How to think about it?
And what colors to use? What should be the ratio beteen advertising my products and fun/useful tips…
I Would appreciate your help! My IG is http://www.instagram.com/Karni.zor
And my site is http://www.anewastrology.com
How many times would you recommend to post if you have a motorcycle e-commerce bussiness? We are posting three times a day, seems it is not working as much as we thought.
What about insta stories? Thank you!
Hello, so my Instagram account is for handmade and personalized home decoration items like tree decoration balls, door hangers and signs, chocolate decoration, cake toppers, etc. I only post photos of the items and share feedback messages from customers. What can I do to make it more appealing?
Wow! This article is full of information. My IG for business is @phlanxglobal
Hello I am 46 not a very clever instgramer I am always trying to fix it up, I am a fashion stylist but I really don’t get how to do it so looks spectacular please help b_stylist_pma
Hello, I have small account but I don’t know why since few weeks I don’t have as much like as I had before, I don’t post every week so maybe it’s the problem, my account is about comics, wrestling and photos, my account is anthonyhublau, what do you suggest to me?
Hi there, I just found this blog & I am trying to increase engagement on my current posts and also increase my followers. My page is about BOTOX, fillers, lasers, skincare, etc. My handle is @mrsbrittperez and I would be so grateful for any advice. Thank you for a very informative blog!
My Instagram is about me as a personal brand, growing to become an influencer. I write about Entrepreneurship and finance. I need ideas on how to grow my account.
I’ve also been having issues with Instagram. They restrict visibility of my page and won’t even allow me send d.m to anybody.
Am in the process of launching my stationery business (planners) and am stuck on what to post. Am passionate about planning, home organization, food & self development. How can I incorporate my passions into my posts? I don’t want to just sell a product, I want to build a community of like-minded people & while still offering planning/ organization solutions
Hey guys,
I have a small online business where I provide cruelty-free makeup brands… I’ve launched my eyelash line and I also want to get into more homemade stuff as well… next project would be lipgloss … @shopbellezatt is my IG
So far, I post; customer looks, my looks, product pics and even inspirational quotes in the middle. But I feel like it needs a pop of colour
I really do love the preview app, as you can plan out your look before posting
Loving preview – really helping me layout my posts and make it look cleaner altogether. I run a fitness/wellness business but don’t want my feed to look like all I do is workout. I also don’t want to be posting just to post! Thanks for your help 🙂
My page will be about a club night for people to come together with their coworkers, friends and family. What can i post?
Hi, I just opened our business IG, we offer Interpreting and Translations services. I find it very hard to post info on us. We are located in the Rocky Mountains
Wow, what a discovery Preview has been!
I’m following you from Spain and I just got to read this amazing post. And yes, I’m stuck when it comes to thinking about what my IG feed will be for my soon-to-be business: I am a Ceremony Planner (which means creating ceremonies about anything, not just weddings-hpefully not weddings at all in a near future ?). It’s a new profession here in Spain and I really don’t know what my ideal customer will be expecting to get from me… ??♀️??♀️??♀️
Thanks so much for your amazingly creative work!!
I’m really trying to start a business, a photography business (@alh.studio) but I’m not sure on how else caption my photos other then just quotes I don’t want to bore people with the same stuff but I also am just starting up and learning about both photography and posting. What are more ways to drag attention to my page? What are some more captions that’ll drag people into seeing more?
Any advice from anyone or any help from anyone is greatly appreciated!
Hi, thanks for tips. I am a blogger of beauty, fashion ald lifestyle niche. Any tips? I need to growth engagement
Hello! My name is Silvina. I found this article very useful. I’m using preview app for my instagram. My account is for business and I’m not sure if I’m doing things right about the feeds I’m posting. Can you give me an opinion? My account is @dulchicookies. Thank you! ?
Thanks for the article. I’m also stuck sometimes and don’t know what to post in my business account. We’re a improv theatre company and sometimes I run out of ideas. Thanks in advance and great job!
Hi, my Instagram is about my outfit looks. I made this account not long ago however not really getting much interaction. Please can you advise? @angelayt_x
Thank you! X
Hello☺️my profile is about fruit bouqets :@ukusni_buketi_beograd
I make lots of mistakes (deliting posts, changing 1000 times text, not thinking about some logic of feed, only posting what I sell that day… ) becouse i didnt know anithing abot good feed on instagram so, shoud I make New profile or to tray to fix this one?
sorry for my bad english i hope you Will understand…
Hola, mi Instagram es personal pero soy fotografa aunq no por cuenta propia, asi q estoy subiendo fotos mias y de mi pareja hechas en casa y me gustaria seguir asi no para crear una cuenta para q me contraten sino para motivar ala gente a ver mis fotos, tambien me encanta el mundo del maquillaje y me gustaria meterlo cn las fotos tambien pero nose muy bien q hacer, lo de escribir se me da fatal la verdad, me puedes hechar una mano???
I’m new here and I found this really helpful. I’ve been struggling with what I want my Instagram to look like. I know I love fashion, lifestyle, travel and food but I also want it to be a business so it’s hard for me to put all those together. I want to be able to have fun with my posts and at the same time attract businesses and brands to work with me.
Thanks Alex- this was very helpful! My instagram @cornerofdiscovery is just starting out. Trying to fill my grid with my own personal images and those from other accts that inspire me. I am aiming to provide home decor inspo while also reselling products I have acquired through estate sales! Any tips you have would be great to have!
I’m currently in the works of trying to build up my Instagram account & I’ve got the point where I’m struggling on what to post. It’s mainly everyday lifestyle and fitness but I don’t want to repeat photos etc. Just overall stuck! Do you have any tips?
Thank you,
My Instagram: @chloelhart
Always interesting to see others successful feeds inst carlo_verda I design and make jewellery among other things, problem is i only seem to attract other jewellers to my page?
Hello Alex, Thank you so much for this article.
I have a blog about bulimia. I talk about my fight against this disease and give advice to my readers. I have no idea post and color post for instagram.
Please suggest what to post.
Thank you in advance for your response 🙂
How do I grow a news company’s IG account if they want to draw in the younger crowd (around 18-30s)? So far, we’ve been posting lifestyle topics and featuring interviews with local celebs and influencers.
Thank you so much. It is very helpful! I am a jewellery designer and maker and I have instagram for my business. I struggle with the content. I feel like I am not making connection and my engagement is not great. My instagram account https://www.instagram.com/karolina.baines/
Any advice would be very much appreciated! Thank you
My Instagram is about art and I rather have a unique art style but I do not know how to grow my account both in terms of followers and to gain clients.
Your comments and feedback to many users below has been incredible so I’m hoping you can offer me some guidance too! My account hasn’t gone live yet and I am still planning my posts in the preview app. I want to start a clothing line tailored to a specific niche (mother’s and babies), but wanted to assess whether this really was a viable business before spending tens of thousands and going into production. My plan was to post about me and my baby, some of the pictures will be posing in samples of the clothes and then waiting to see If I can grow organically. I am quite a few months away from getting samples though because of the virus. 2 main issues – what shall I post about till then? And once i get them would it be confusing/look weird to have models wear the samples when I do not yet have a product to sell? Would posting about anything but the clothing line until I get samples ie motherhood risk losing focus from long term plan?
Sorry for the super long post!
Hi, I am Claire, new for here. My IG posts are related to my lifestyle (fashion, beauty, and books). These days I just post some books, coffee, special things and so on. But It is really hard to think what should I post. Besides, I am a PhD student in neuroscience. So I would love to post some things related to my area. But I do not know how to post this things. Can I just post a pipette? or a cell culture room? I think no one would like it. Since I am also a part-time blogger, I really hope that I could have some followers and readers in my Ig account. Can you help me and give me some suggestion? Thank you very much. Here is my Ig account: xoclairehu
Hi Alex! Thanks for sharing all this useful information about growing IG. I’ve started to use Preview App and I find it very helpful.
My idea is to create a page is about Loosing weight and doing sports during breastfeeding. I am a model for it. There are my workouts, my food, my weight changes and some clever text about the topic…
My goal is to attract more overweight nursing moms. Also I’m preparing web page about all these topics.
Do you have any suggestions on how I m doing it. What should I change? I see the progress but I find it too slow…
Thanks in advance Alex.
This is such a great tip! I’m in the anti-aging product business which includes skin care, supplements and in home beauty devices. I tend to stress out and overthink which is not really good. I can’t even decide on a motif color or pattern to work on my feed 🤣. I don’t want to come out as just selling so I’m kind of struggling on how to do that.
Hey, I use my account (@DanMumford) to post my photography, I don’t think my shots are bad, but I feel like I’m struggling to be seen, I follow several other accounts with less followers, yet they regularly get 5, 6 or 7x times the likes I get, what do you think I’m doing wrong? Thanks!
Hi! This article was super helpful! At this time I’m trying to increase my following by posting more. This will start off as my personal page but eventually I would like to create a business page. I’m trying to figure out what my posts should be about. I love cooking, healthy life style, fitness & educating folks on nutrition & doing so authentically. Do I basically post about my days?
@therealistfriend_ is my page. Tysm in advance!
Thanks for this. It did give an insight into what I can post. However, as mine is basically inspiration, faith and lifestyle I’m kinda confused sometimes on what to post and how to go about it. More of this is because I barely take pictures of myself on a daily. I’d be happy to hear your suggestions.
Ig name: nnekaschronicles
Hi! I’m a Home Decor Influencer on Instagram. (designisntagamble)
I’m really struggling because I feel like people are tired of seeing my home. I can’t afford to keep buying stuff just for an Instagram photo. Please help! I’m feeling very discouraged.
Could you please help me, What should i post in my jewelry store on Instagram.
I have jewelry shop and I’m going open business account on Instagram
and I’m looking for a good content to share in my jewelry account, But i don’t know from where should i start with.
Thanks 🌹 ..
Hi there, thanks for all the amazing information you are sharing. My instagram page is for a building and design business run by my husband and me. The page is @evolution_building_perth
I get swamped with ideas and then struggle with the direction i want to go in. Do i post design or building? do i post designs on paper or 3d renders? do i post buildings in progress or just finished products? i just need a direction to go in and what kind of feel i want to create and what my ‘themes’ could be as you wrote above. Thanks again for the information you are sharing
Thank you so much for this, it’s truly helpful and your writing style it’s lovely and consice. Now I feel super inspired!
HI! I have downloaded the app but cannot seem to get into it to use it? i’m really excited to start using it…any ideas of who I can talk to?
Also, I rent out modern wedding dresses and want to stand out from the outdated, traditional offerings… do you have insights?
Hello, please email us at [email protected] and we can help you.
I have lot of ideas in my head…I don’t know what to post,how to start or what to do…and my phone isn’t really good for taking pictures….
What can i do???any idea for me????
I want to change my account to a busines
s account but it’s not working Instagram said I have reached the limit and it’s frustrating for the kind of my page I’m a natural hair influencer 😢😢