You can create a beautiful Instagram Story collage, using the Instagram app only.
There’s a new feature called “Layout”.
“Layout” is inside the Instagram app itself.
There are 6 layout options:

I’m going to show you how to use it + cool tricks + ideas.
Let’s start.
1. Open your Instagram Story and press “Layout”
Open your Instagram Story.
Scroll and select the “Layout” option at the bottom of your screen.

2. Choose a Layout
Choose your favorite layout.

3. Add photos
To add a photo:
- Press on the little “image box” on the bottom left corner of your screen
- This will open your camera roll
- Choose any photo you want

Note: Can you add videos in your Instagram Story Layout? Not yet. Hopefully they will add this feature soon.
4. Press the “Delete” button to delete or change photos
Want to change your photo? Or delete a photo from the collage?
Press on the “Delete” button in the middle of your screen.

5. Change the position of the photo in the grid
Don’t like the positioning of your photo inside of the square? You can adjust its position.
To adjust the position of a photo:
- Press both thumbs on the photo and drag it around
- You can zoom in and out of the photo

6. Make your collage smaller
To make your photo collage smaller:
- Press on the big “Checkmark” button
- Place your thumbs on the outside of your screen
- Drag them towards the inside of your screen (as if you were zooming out)
Note: You can also use this Insta Story trick.

7. Apply a filter on the whole Instagram Story collage
To apply a filter on the collage:
- Swipe your finger left or right
- You will see the different filters appear on your collage
- Choose the one you like
- Post!

Instagram Story collage ideas
Think outside the box.
You can create fun and interactive Instagram Stories using this feature.
Example 1:
Use the Poll feature

Example 2:
Upload a blank image and add text on top

Example 3:
Put a quote in between 2 photos

Example 4:
Alternate between a photo and a quote to create a creative grid layout

That’s it!
Have fun trying it out.
Click here if you want to see more Instagram tips, tricks and strategies.
And here if you want to make your Instagram feed look amazing or grow your Instagram account.
Until next time, have fun on Instagram!